Training at Constant Performance is a game changer that has taken countless athletes to a level that is simply off limits to so many. After signing with the Angels out of high school, I turned to David with the realization I needed to get into shape and gain some serious strength. Through an intense off season program I was able to even the playing field and begin a career that has lasted 13 years and counting. The work outs are not easy, they will tax you physically and mentally, but the benefits will be seen between the lines. David gets results, plain and simple!
— Mark Trumbo, Baltimore Orioles

The thing I love about Sean is in the gym, he has no friends...he treats us all the same and pushes us past our limits to get better! I believe in myself, but on the last two reps of the last set of a training session, sometimes it’s better to have a trainer who believes in you a bit more than you do!
— Brandon Copeland, Detroit Lions

I was a recently released professional NFL offensive lineman coming from the 49ers where I broke my foot multiple times. I had just been cleared to start running and training again from my physical therapist. I was recommended to Sean by a former NFL teammate who raved about Sean’s knowledge, expertise and motivating/outgoing personality who could get me back to where I needed to be. I was hesitant at first to trust a trainer I have never worked with before. Let me say it was the best decision of my career to hire Sean as my trainer/coach/dietician. Out of my entire college and professional career I have never had a better trainer who gave me everything he had. We met everyday where he started working with me from the ground up, to the point I was eventually in the best shape of my life. I eventually got signed by the Jets, then the Lions and know that without Sean’s expert guidance I would have never had a second chance with my NFL dream. Whether you are just looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or become a better athlete, Sean will get you there. He puts his heart into every client. I cannot thank and recommend Sean enough.
— Luke Marquardt, San Francisco 49ers

Sean’s best asset is that he is able to communicate with you as to why something needs to be tweaked or why it’s a necessity. His ability to work WITH you on your body and understand what your feeling helps you stay ahead of injuries. The little things we learned and worked through still help to keep me in the mix!
— Peyton Thompson, Jacksonville Jaguars

Sean and I worked for about 1-2 years together. I, by far, had one of the best experiences in my life when I was involved in his program. I not only gained strength and power over the course of his training but I also endured a lot of knowledge to as why I am doing a specific movement and/or drill. I can’t thank Sean enough for helping me out so far in my career.
— Will Parks, Denver Broncos

Working with Sean has been great for me! Getting stronger and using functional movements that help directly with my sport. I also gained a lot of knowledge on the proper techniques and execution of every lift for safety and maximum benefits! It’s great working with Sean and I can’t wait to for the offseason to keep getting better!
— Shaq Richardson, Carolina Panthers

Working with Sean during the offseason really helped me transcend my game to the next level. Coming off of an injury he helped me get my confidence, strength, and explosion back and better than before! Making the decision to work with him is one I certainly won’t regret. Thank you Sean!
— Jared Bell, San Francisco 49ers